Customize App

Project customizing

Project Structure

After importing project successfully you will get project structure like below image

Within each Android app module, files are shown in the following groups:


Contains the AndroidManifest.xml file.


Contains the Java source code files, separated by package names, including JUnit test code.


Contains all non-code resources, such as XML layouts, UI strings, and bitmap images, divided into corresponding sub-directories. For more information about all possible resource types, see Providing Resources.

To know more about project structure please go through this link Android Project Structure

Change App name

To change project name follow below steps.

App > res > values > strings.xml

Change App Package Name

Open App level build.gradle and change ApplicationId variable inside android > defaultConfig

applicationId "com.listify"

Change API URL

Change the Base Url for inside the app\src\main\java\com.listify\retrofit\

Change Map API key

Last updated